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Heavy Metal Detox Anyone?

Okay so you know I happen to be a drummer at heart. Kicking butts with Pound workouts. But I’m looking to up my quality of life, and get more out of my workouts by doing a heavy metal detox.

It’s about to get weird.

In addition to adding the Zeolite detox pack to my diet, I’m also going to incorporate more foods that naturally help to detox the heavy metal in my body. I have added a nice little reference infographic below to show some examples. The graphic shows foods that are super easy and common such as lemons and garlic, foods that I eat but less often such as beets and artichokes, and some that are less common but can be added easily for flavor such as cilantro and ginger. 😋

I happen to like cilantro, but have met lots of people who think it tastes like dish soap! I actually KIND OF get it if I think about it while chewing but like it none the less. Do you taste soap? Which food below is easiest for you? Which is the hardest? Push yourself to try something new, or try something again!

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